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Resume Workshop Description
Absolutely bedazzle human resource manangers with a polished gem.
The resume workshop teaches students how to prepare a professional resume that reflects their skills, knowledge and education that are relevant to the job they are seeking. Topics include what and what not to include on your resume, how to clearly and concisely present your skills and abilities, generally accepted resume styles based on your experiece level, and common rules and mistakes made during composition.
A resume's sole purpose is to land you a job interview. Resumes provide potential employers a feel for your past experience and expertise. The vast majority of employers look for a steady work history and positive patterns of progression such as increased responsibility and promotion. Take the time to learn as much as possible about potential employers, researching corresponding websites to learn exactly what an ideal candidate should entail. Your resume should be tailored to match each employer’s needs while emphasizing your strengths and at the same time, accurately reflecting your background and experience in a way that optimizes your qualifications..
A well-written professional resume should generate phone calls and e-mails from headhunting human resource managers to swiftly set up an interview to learn more about what you have to offer.