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Placement Test Registration Description
First time English students have to take the Placement Test before course enrollment.
This English proficiency placement test provides an assessment tool to both you, the student, and your teacher. Course recommendation should correspond as precisely as possible to your current level of English training. Utilize your knowledge about time management wisely while at my on-line school. I will not allow you to enroll into an elementary course which would not sufficiently challenge your linguistic experience. Likewise, you will not be allowed to enter an advanced class where you are not able to function.
Please take your time to do your best on this examination without receiving outside help whatsoever. The entire purpose of this placement test is to better meet your educational needs: falsified data would just corrupt my intentions in addition to your goal to improve your proficiency in the target language.
The results of your assessments will be only known to myself and my staff. Your results will not be shared with any outside organization without your prior written or verbal authorization.
Please proceed to make your prompt payment utilizing the PayPal button to the right.
Eric Paul Monroe