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About The Author

"Empowering foreign language learners with knowledge, confidence, and fluency in English like never before thought possible."

Eric Paul Monroe
Founder, Full Immersion Virtual Classroom
How to Learn Vocabulary
Home School
wake ≠ sleep
write ≠ erase
clean ≠ dirty
remember ≠ forget
eat ≠ starve
revise ≠ ignore
mend ≠ break
listen ≠ talk
put on ≠ take off
jot down ≠ crumple up
turn on ≠ turn off
classwork ≠ homework
stand up ≠ sit down
attendance ≠ truancy
heat up ≠ cool down
ace ≠ flunk
How to Learn Listening and Speaking
Listening Speaking
[ ˌɑ̃ːn.tʰɹə.pʰɹə̃ˈnʊɝː ]
[ ˈsɪz.zɚz ]
[ bjʊˈɹɒʔ.ɹə.si ]
[ ˈskwɝl̩ ]
[ ˈdɹæftʰ ]
[ ˌtʰɛ˞.ɹəˈdæʔ.əɫ ]
[ ˈbɑtʰ ]
[ ˈkʰɝ.nəɫ ]
[ ˈsɪ̃m.məɫ.li ]
[ ˈwɔ˞ʃ.ʃəsʔ.ɚˌʃaɪ̯ə̯˞ ]

Whether learning English for global collaboration, international business, academic purposes, or traveling abroad, English has become by far the most important language of international communication when people who share no native language meet anywhere in the world. English is the world's most widely used language in newspaper publishing, book publishing, international telecommunications, scientific publishing, international trade, mass entertainment, and diplomacy. English definitely provides students with better economic opportunities and social mobility.

The vast majority of foreign language learners never acquire the target language. They are rather taught English as though it were mathematics or science, through pure memorization, which is the worst method to learn a language. Not all students are naturally gifted at learning calculus or physics, but fortunately every student is naturally gifted at learning language.

Both children and adult learners intrinsically trust teachers to impart knowledge of the subject matter at hand. In my experience, most foreign language teachers lack true knowledge of the target language and have even less training or experience teaching language, having never studied educational psychology, teaching and learning methodologies.

Why can I understand my Mexican Brazilian Italian Russian Chinese English teacher,
but I can't understand you?

typical foreign language student

Without proper instruction, neither students nor teachers realize that the foreign language is just that, a strange idiom which is transliterated and then translated into one's mother tongue. Without phonemic awareness in the target language, authentic pronunciation can not be learned through one's native language.

No parent would ever willingly decide to take their children to a doctor lacking extensive medical training. Who would allow a surgeon to touch them without comprehensive experience using a sharp scalpel?

[ || boʊ̯θ ˈcɪɫd.dɹə̃n. næ̃nd. dəˈdʌɫt ˈlɝːn.nɚz ˌɪ̃nˈtʰɹ̥ɪ̃nz.sɪʔ.əɫ.li ˈtʰɹ̥ʌst ˈtʰiːc.cɚz. tʰə. ɪ̃mˈpʰɑ˞ːt ˈnɑːɫ.lɪɟ. ɟəv. ðə ˈsʌb.ɟɛʔ ˈmæʔ.ɚ. ɹæt ˈhæ̃nd | ɪ̃m ˈmaɪ̯. ɪksˈspɪɚ̯.ɹi.ə̃ns | moʊ̯stᶹ ˈfɔ˞ː.ɹɪ̃n ˈlæ̃ŋɡ.ɡwɪɟ ˈtʰiːc.cɚz ˈlæk ˈtʰɹ̥ũː ˈnɑːɫ.lɪɟ. ɟəv. ðə ˈtʰɑ˞ːɡ.ɡət ˈlæ̃ŋɡ.ɡwɪɟ. ɟæ̃nd ˈhæv ˈiv.vɪ̃n ˈlɛs ˈtʰɹ̥eɪ̯̃n.nɪ̃ŋ. ɔ˞ː. ɹɪksˈspɪɚ̯.ɹi.ə̃ns ˈtʰiːc.cɪ̃ŋ ˈlæ̃ŋɡ.ɡwɪɟ | ˈhæv.vɪ̃ŋ ˈnɛv.vɚ ˈstʌd.did ˌeɟ.ɟəˈk̟ʰeɪ̯ʃ.ʃə̃n.nəɫ. saɪ̯ˈkʰɑːɫ.ləɟ.ɟi | ˈtʰiːc.cɪ̃ŋ. æ̃nd ˈlɝːn.nɪ̃ŋ ˌmɛθ.θəˈdɑːɫ.ləɟ.ɟiz || ]

Learning a foreign language opens doors to a world of opportunityCaptivate a global audience through effective communication.