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English’s mechanics behind effectively communicating clear and concise ideas.

  1. Universal Grammar

    What allows all members of the animal kingdom to communicate.

    1. Emotional responses

      crying, frowning, laughter, pleading, touching, shouting, smiling, smirking, whispering

    2. Nonverbal communication

      Culturally based phenomenon may vary in meaning.

    3. Writing systems

      Smoke signals, drawings, maps, and pictographs tend to give way to phonic alphabets.

  2. Basic Syntactical Structure

    If an infant observer can manage, you shouldn't give up.

    1. Morphemes

      The smallest portion of a word containing semantic information.

      1. Bound morphemes

        dependent: prefix, root, and suffix

      2. Unbound morphemes

        independent: stand alone

    2. Words

      Parts of speech have different syntactical functions.

    3. Phrases

      A group of words not containing a subject and a corresponding verb.

    4. Sentences

      A thought conveying a statement, question, exclamation or command through an implied subject or predicate.

  3. Discourse Analysis

    word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, essay, stylistic approaches, and cultural acceptance

    1. Parts of speech

      Avoid becoming disoriented in a grove of syntax trees.

      1. Nouns

        Countable and uncountable nouns: acquire language through contact.

      2. Pronouns

        Eliminate third person singular distinction errors to avoid offending others!

      3. Indefinite and definite articles

        Introducing a situational context or referring to an aforementioned object?

      4. Adjectives

        Descriptive significants must follow a logical sequence.

      5. Comparatives

        Compare or contrast qualities between two nouns, demonstrating personal opinion.

      6. Superlatives

        Compare or contrast qualities among three or more nouns, revealing personal preference.

      7. Prepositions

        Elusive creatures that pre-position an object or entity in a given situational context.

      8. Conjunctions

        Not unlike a train between departure and arrival, joining two grammatical ideas for all eternity.

      9. Unrestrictive and restrictive relative clauses

        Foregrounding and backgrounding bias right under your chinny chin chin.

      10. Interjections

        Utilize interjective utterances when you have to pass as a native speaker.

      11. Interrogatives

        Strategy formulation only materializes through hypothesizing: learning is full of wonder.

      12. Adverbs

        Improve writing proficiency and compose for a professional audience through incorporating transitions.

      13. Verbs:

        Empower yourself to an advanced level with celerity through mastery of the predicate.

        1. Tense
          1. Past
          2. Present
        2. Aspect
          1. Simple
          2. Progressive
          3. Perfect
        3. Voice
          1. Active
          2. Passive
        4. Finiteness
          1. Non-finite
          2. Finite
        5. Modality
          1. Non-modalized
          2. Modalized
        6. Mood
          1. Indicative
          2. Imperative
          3. Subjunctive

      14. Direct and indirect objects:

        Follow this hidden path towards fluency in the target language.

    2. Detecting bias

      Subtle slants on word selection and grammar placement help generate the bottom line for marketing psychologists.

    3. Thinking patterns

      A fish out of water survives no longer: why journalists around the globe compose with differing styles.

    4. Cultural acceptance

      Critical mistakes while engaging in public speaking obliterate future opportunities for economic growth.

苏州瑞华双语学校的作业: Trogdor

  1. Universal Grammar
    1. Emotional responses
    2. Nonverbal communication
    3. Writing systems

  2. Basic Syntactical Structure
    1. Morphemes
      1. Bound morphemes
      2. Unbound morphemes
    2. Words
    3. Phrases
    4. Sentences

  3. Discourse Analysis
    1. Parts of speech
      1. Nouns
      2. Pronouns
      3. Indefinite and definite articles
      4. Adjectives
      5. Comparatives
      6. Superlatives
      7. Prepositions
      8. Conjunctions
      9. Unrestrictive and restrictive relative clauses
      10. Interjections
      11. Interrogatives
      12. Adverbs
      13. Verbs
      14. Direct and indirect objects
    2. Detecting bias
    3. Thinking patterns
    4. Cultural acceptance

Note: Upon course completion, students are highly encouraged to further pursue their studies in English. Both verbal and written feedback about course performance will be provided to the student and kept on record for future evaluation. Letters of recommendation for outside institutions are also provided upon request.