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English’s mechanics behind effectively communicating clear and concise ideas.
- Universal Grammar
What allows all members of the animal kingdom to communicate.
- Emotional responses
crying, frowning, laughter, pleading, touching, shouting, smiling, smirking, whispering
- Nonverbal communication
Culturally based phenomenon may vary in meaning.
- Writing systems
Smoke signals, drawings, maps, and pictographs tend to give way to phonic alphabets.
- Basic Syntactical Structure
If an infant observer can manage, you shouldn't give up.
- Morphemes
The smallest portion of a word containing semantic information.
- Bound morphemes
dependent: prefix, root, and suffix
- Unbound morphemes
independent: stand alone
- Words
Parts of speech have different syntactical functions.
- Phrases
A group of words not containing a subject and a corresponding verb.
- Sentences
A thought conveying a statement, question, exclamation or command through an implied subject or predicate.
- Discourse Analysis
word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, essay, stylistic approaches, and cultural acceptance
- Parts of speech
Avoid becoming disoriented in a grove of syntax trees.
- Nouns
Countable and uncountable nouns: acquire language through contact.
- Pronouns
Eliminate third person singular distinction errors to avoid offending others!
- Indefinite and definite articles Introducing a situational context or referring to an aforementioned object?
- Adjectives
Descriptive significants must follow a logical sequence.
- Comparatives
Compare or contrast qualities between two nouns, demonstrating personal opinion.
- Superlatives
Compare or contrast qualities among three or more nouns, revealing personal preference.
- Prepositions
Elusive creatures that pre-position an object or entity in a given situational context.
- Conjunctions
Not unlike a train between departure and arrival, joining two grammatical ideas for all eternity.
- Unrestrictive and restrictive relative clauses
Foregrounding and backgrounding bias right under your chinny chin chin.
- Interjections
Utilize interjective utterances when you have to pass as a native speaker.
- Interrogatives
Strategy formulation only materializes through hypothesizing: learning is full of wonder.
- Adverbs
Improve writing proficiency and compose for a professional audience through incorporating transitions.
- Verbs:
Empower yourself to an advanced level with celerity through mastery of the predicate.
- Tense
- Past
- Present
- Aspect
- Simple
- Progressive
- Perfect
- Voice
- Active
- Passive
- Finiteness
- Non-finite
- Finite
- Modality
- Non-modalized
- Modalized
- Mood
- Indicative
- Imperative
- Subjunctive
- Direct and indirect objects:
Follow this hidden path towards fluency in the target language.
- Detecting bias
Subtle slants on word selection and grammar placement help generate the bottom line for marketing psychologists.
- Thinking patterns
A fish out of water survives no longer: why journalists around the globe compose with differing styles.
- Cultural acceptance
Critical mistakes while engaging in public speaking obliterate future opportunities for economic growth.
苏州瑞华双语学校的作业: Trogdor
- Universal Grammar
- Emotional responses
- Nonverbal communication
- Writing systems
- Basic Syntactical Structure
- Morphemes
- Bound morphemes
- Unbound morphemes
- Words
- Phrases
- Sentences
- Discourse Analysis
- Parts of speech
- Nouns
- Pronouns
- Indefinite and definite articles
- Adjectives
- Comparatives
- Superlatives
- Prepositions
- Conjunctions
- Unrestrictive and restrictive relative clauses
- Interjections
- Interrogatives
- Adverbs
- Verbs
- Direct and indirect objects
- Detecting bias
- Thinking patterns
- Cultural acceptance